Thursday, June 20, 2013

T-Mobile LTE - Central Ohio - FINALLY

Well JEE’T! Every time I go to screenshot the LTE the gallery freezes it drops down to “4G” then down to “E” edge, back up to 4G then 4G/LTE then I try a screenshots and it just hangs at the “saving screenshots” then the data drops and repeats the same cycle, I did manage to save a few of them I had to restart my device 3 times quickly take the screenshot and finally got some visual proof.

I tried SpeedTest and it doesn’t work so it isn’t “on” yet but it’s a coming!  I did have power saving turned on and having NEVER experiencing my gallery freeze up where pictures not show up was a FIRST!

While tinkering with the aforementioned I searched on my laptop to turn off the Power Saving Option, I did that restarted my device took a quick screenshot and it saved right, crazy how a screenshot is taken then my data starts to cycle low then back up …..

Anyways Central Ohio we got LTE finally can’t wait till its STABLE!! Signal isn’t strong enough to hold a Sp
eedTest it drops down :(

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Your grammar is AGRAMMATISM - Perpetuating cool, isn't always so diminishing your character with each deletion of a ch__act_r.

You're not cool because you're too lazy to type...your defeatist; Stop treating your grammar like separation between church and state (even that is a failsafe - farce.) "Wat up wit u""Watz Gud""Sup""Wut Gud" wouldn't you want someone to correct you in the event you were making an error? Why you upset I block you & flag as spam?

There is no shorthand dictionary social media promotes the downward spiral of horrible grammar and SOOOOOOOOOOOOO many make excuses for misspelling there words! It doesn't matter the forum, twitter, text, chat,email, etc. YOU NEVER KNOW WHEN YOU'RE ON AN INTERVIEW!

 (and besides we not talking the casual twitter "You" to "U" or "For" to "4" etc to condense for the tweet......)

We are talking straight up RUBBISH that gets offended when you correct them, O....NOW you highly educated? Yet this is the manor you carry?...and hot damn "I didn't know I was in spelling class"...dumbass is spelling class the only place your words count? Isn't the purpose to build your vocabulary not take away from it? Not to mention its a tool you take with you..... to be used in all aspects of life.... not just "spelling class" - you mean english.

Your bank must not be shit just like your word. 

Point being if someone chooses to call you out on your shit why get mad that you gave them the number to dial ! And get mad YOU picked up your phone ! UGH the fuck man ! 

Wake up you've been sleeping....- ok I'm done but going forward, I'm reporting as spam and moving to the junk folder if you are purposely overriding your auto correct system.....axing 1 character does not save time, it speaks on your janet says in son of a gun @ the end..

"I'm Gone"


~"Λ ϑε' Λ" ~