"Finding your true identity " This is so
powerful yet discouraging at the same time because our society preaches this
yet we condemn it when it doesn't fit the mold. Well what if your true self
breaks the mold? What is so hard about accepting we all were given a
life, and a life we should live. I am all for freedom & being an individual
at all cost. Being human is the glue that holds us together, but doesn't mean
we have to stick to the same place on the map. When will it ever be truly ok to
be free. I don't care for the stereotypes racism bigotry bias &
judgement no, but I RESPECT it then because at least you know what and who a
person is, now a days you get bad service, cussed out, treat unfairly, passed
over for a job, a raise, etc...all because we want to be "Politically
correct" & many more insecure ! well what about being honest. If you
don't like the person I am that is fine, say it and LIVE it BOLDLY ...but
remember be respectful not fake. Evil hasn't moved on , its just got
quieter & a lot smarter & people dumber, again I don't care for the way
things are or how some think, but damn can we at least know who we dealing with
bluntly & not have always be
"Unspoken" .