World renowned historian James Gilberts create a theory of
connection set between Scopes trial of 1925 to Seattle’s World’s Fair of 1962,
linked together by Science and Religion in theory according to Gilbert. The
narrative begins with Gilberts suspicious view on William Jennings Bryan centered
around the Scopes trial and famous during the Progressive Era known then as ‘the
Great Commoner’; whose defense of the literal account of the literal biblical
account left Gilbert in doubt calling him a scientist who bases his
understandings on what is commonly understood experiences; Which plays into Gilberts standpoint on common
sense science in compare to professional science and how the two have grown
over time. However Bryan joined the American Association for the Advancement of
Science (AAAS) in 1924 as an astronomer who did not believe in evolution and
was against it. Nothing screams science and religion like the debate between
evolution and creation, when debunked by Edward Rice, stating he knew nothing
of Darwin’s theory or the scientific method it posed the question who should
speak for science the elite or the interpreters of science. The start of educating about ‘Evolution’ did
not begin until 1957 and much later for other states this is vital to American Culture
anytime something shapes ones beliefs. The
media was the target of conception it would appear with the attempts to
popularize the atomic scientist views to the mass media at all cost to get
their theory into the heads of the impressionable.
The dialogue between science and
religion is one of pure centers focused on proving each individual agenda. The
focus here is to essentially proving that one side is right versus the other.
Science as it pertains to Religion is man’s explanation of the unknown and
explaining the impossible. Religion basically debunks man fret over what it
tries to explain thru science. This is a divided topic and until the foreseen ‘end’
however you perceive it shall be the deciding factor for both sides debating evolution
or a higher power. I always found it funny how some scientist are against the
idea we were created by a higher power rather than the big bang theory; are
they atheist how is it you believe bits and pieces of religion yet debunk the beginning
of said religion? Another reason I take pause with both Religion & Science
as it has been passed down over the generations because it seems its intent is
to serve an agenda of the said purposes. From government dispute, military involvement,
to even pushing the views thru mass media production, seems quite alarming. Very
‘Democracy’ ‘DE-MOCK-CRAZY’ in its nature this element of the debate I feel is
important because it does give the informed a chance to formulate their own
decision or is it two parts created to purposely misguide a hidden third truth?
Perhaps this written narrative is not
important in its delivery but the content is briefly viable to the common researcher.
It inspires thought and speaks to the content of our heritage and ‘Pop’ culture
and the differences we have faced over time, a story anyone could narrate
chronologically. It’ relevance could be challenged
not solidified
Busse, R.
(1998). Religion and Science in America: Populism versus Elitism. Zygon, 33(1), 131-145.
Gilbert, J. (1998). Retrieved from Religion and
Science in America: Populism versus Elitism.